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Tailor Made for You
Brazil for Families14 daysThere’s nothing like the promise of adventure to get little ones excited, and when it comes to adventure you can’t Read more | Brazil North Coast Adventure13 nightsThis is the perfect itinerary for those looking to experience some of Brazil’s most dramatic coastal scenery, whilst staying firmly Read more |
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is unique and tailor made.
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Captivating Cartagena
Guys you did us proud! What a time we had in Colombia thanks for all your hard work! Bogota was great and I wish we had kept the extra night there as we had it originally. Of course as expected we loved Cartagena as you know I’d been wanting to go for years so it was a dream to finally be there and it didn’t disappoint! The hotel was amazing (thanks for the upgrade!) and Ricardo was so interesting to meet and learn from. We also loved the national park and to get into the jungle a bit was a real highlight. Thanks so much to all at Dehouche!!
Ann-Sofie, Sweden
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