
Barranco Alto

Pantanal | South America

  • Some of the best guides in Brazil, knowledgeable, flexible, passionate about conservation, and especially good with kids
  • Incredibly picturesque location, surrounded by thousands of hectares of wilderness and with lawns running right down to the riverbank
  • Stunning wildlife – hyacinth macaws nest on the property and several generations of a giant otter family have made their home on a neighbouring stretch of river.
  • The lodge hosts teams of researchers working on important conservation projects who are always happy to chat to guests and sometimes accompany activities as well.
  • The WiFi is by satellite and surprisingly fast. There is no phone signal though!
  • The lodge is closed every year from December to February
  • A small lodge means you will get to know the other guests well and dining is around a communal table. Private bookings are a great option for larger family groups though.
  • The stunning remote location is easiest to access by light aircraft from Campo Grande airport. Driving is an option during the dry season and takes at least six hours – a memorable experience and you often see plenty of wildlife along the route.

Features, Facilities and Guest Services

  • Another Feature
  • Bar
  • Hammocks
  • Horses
  • Kayaks
  • Landing Strip
  • Motorboats
  • Nature Guides
  • Restaurant
  • River Access
  • Satellite Wi-Fi
  • Find out more


    Reach out to see if this is the right fit for you.
    UK: 0871 284 7770 | US: 800 690 6899

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