

Boasting a unique set of animal species, some found nowhere else on earth, the Galapagos Islands have become a natural laboratory for biological study and research. The region is also considered a pioneer in ecotourism and conservation – the preservation of wildlife and the delicate ecosystems it inhabits is a priority above all else for the…

Cloud Forest

Situated just 100 miles north-west of Quito, on the pacific slopes of the Andes, in the southern tip of the Choco-Darien region, which stretches from Panama down along the western flank of the Andes, Ecuador’s cloud forest is one of the most bio diverse environments in the world with more bird species in this one…

Jose Ignacio

When those ‘in the know’ talk about Punta Del Este what they really mean is José Ignacio; a small fishing village that has become frequented by the rich and famous for its laid back, unpretentious cool. This is the hotspot of South America where fashion icons and Hollywood stars mix with the refreshingly unphased locals. As…

Uyuni Salt Flats

The highlands of southwestern Bolivia offer visitors some of the most dramatic scenery in South America. Altitude ranges from 6,000m on its peaks and ridges to an average of 4,000m on the plains and lagoons which lie between. Salar de Uyuni is the world’s largest salt flat and when the surface is dry the salar…

La Paz

Set at a whopping 4,100m, this city will take your breath away not just from the high altitude but also its position in the valley. One of the best ways to see the city is by the cable car metro which gives you stunning views and photograph opportunities. It is a very poor city but…